So many changes, as the newly adjusted med levels are taking affect. First few days were ugly and hostile. I’m no longer the bad guy (as much) but, I am his trigger to anger. I am still trying to come to terms with this new role I play. Otherwise, he is now on a manic happy high. He sleeps a lot less and talks non stop. (5 year child old non-stop!). And he is reminiscing. Not intentionally of course. His mind is simply full of all of the fun and cool things he has done. He is desperate to tell his tales to all who will listen. Specifically, me. We have a picture of his Mother on her wedding day, above our fireplace. He told me she is his wife. I nod as my heart cracks a little more. I gently tell him that yes, that is his Mother the day she became a wife. He then launched into excitedly telling me stories about places he has gone with his wife. Telling me our stories, as if I was not part of them. Our stories… He has don...