
So, I have been asked to try to blog weekly, as there are followers who would enjoy (for lack of a better word), more frequency.  The word “try” seemed to resonate.

“Trying is the lowest amount of effort a person can put forth” 

Not sure where I read that, or by whom it was written but, it has stuck with me.  In most situations, I have found this to hold true.

Alzheimer’s has changed my perspective…

Randy tries to help around the house.  Folding laundry, that I have to refold (you feel me ladies), vacuuming part of a room, taking the garbage out but not bringing the bin back in, etc.  There is a sweetness to his desire to contribute.  

He tries to get dressed without changing 3-4 times.  He tries to brush his teeth with his own toothbrush (😑).  He tries to eat, while lying (not sitting) in bed, without dropping food on his shirt.  He tries to remain independent.

An added twist is he tries to hide his wallet and spare change so that no one comes in and steals it.  He tries to find the glasses he has left in some unfathomable place, so he would remember where they were.  He tries to hide his shoes because, well, that one is a still a mystery.

He also tries to be the prankster and attempts to pull a fast one, simply for a laugh.  He tries to be kind and sweet and funny and loving.  He tries to express his gratitude for all Nette and I do for him.  He tries to be the man he once was.

There are days where he tries to be well.  He tries to convince us all the he is not sick and will resume a normal existence in this world.  

And, I try.  With every fiber of my being to celebrate his wins.  To embrace his efforts.  To play along and believe his untruths.  To find that lost item for the umpteenth time.  To not criticize or lose my patience.  To not let him see my grief. 

We are all trying.  Every day, we simply try.  It is our best.  It is all we have to give.  And it is enough..



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