
Recovering from COVID.  Today is day 9 for me.  I’m exhausted, chest still tight, head cloudy and don’t get me started on this cough.

Randy spent the first 7 days at his Dad’s, as we felt it was best to keep him healthy.

He handled it beautifully which honestly, was a surprise.  He understood I was sick and was very worried about me.  He called just about everyone and expressed his concern.  He also understood why he had to stay away.  He was in the greatest mood all week.

I was afforded the opportunity to rest and it was awful and wonderful, all at the same time.

He is home now and I am the enemy.

It’s been two days… TWO!!  He has completely forgotten how much he missed me.  How desperately he wanted to come home.  He only knows I am the reason he has “nothing”.

When an item is misplaced he storms in to tell Nette that I’ve stolen and hidden his stuff from him.

He literally TELLS ON ME…

Did I mention, Nette is now the Mesiah.  (If you didn’t read that sentence with a sarcastic “Marsha,Marsha, Marsha” attitude… go back and do it right)

Enemy because I won’t give him his license back, which is why he won’t be allowing me to attend his next Neuro appointment…. (And if I don’t like it, I can live in the other room!)

Enemy because I am acting like a know-it-all Doctor, which he graciously points out, I am not.

Enemy because he woke up starving this morning after refusing to eat dinner the night before.

Ya’ll!  Someone come remind this guy that Hell hath no fury…..Sweet Jesus!!!

While I seriously feel like kicking a puppy (no animals have been harmed in the production of this blog), I am recovering, he is home and this too shall pass. 

So, for now, Nette gets to be the favorite, I will remain the Enemy and he gets to feel a little bit in control of his universe by dictating this dynamic.

In true Dictator fashion, I’ve been informed I need to wrap up what I am doing so I can help him call his Dad in order to tell him of my bad behavior 



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