Letting Go

Randy left this earth peacefully yesterday, March 29th, 2023 surrounded by love.

I'm plagued with anger that the life of someone so wonderful ended so tragically.  And for nothing.

He deserved so much more than this life afforded him.

5 years of tears, sorrow, joy and memories on his Alzheimer's journey.  5 years of being solely responsible for this person.  5 years of truly believing that no one else was capable of taking care of this man in the manner he deserved.

Allowing his body to be removed from his home.. from my care... was one of the most difficult surrenders I have ever endured.

Letting go is hard.

But it can also be the most beautiful thing.

I was blessed to have been able to fulfill his wish to remain home.  

Blessed to have been cheek to cheek with this man when his last breath left his body.  To feel the very last beat of his heart on my fingertips.

Blessed to have spent the last 19 years of his beautiful life with him.

Honored to know that we will lay him to rest on the eve of what would have been our 17th wedding anniversary.  Quite fitting, I think.

Godspeed to one of the greatest men I have ever known.

The mark he left on everyone ever touched by his existence, will be his legacy.

He is in a better place, reunited with so many he has lost.  I hope he is smiling as he is guarding and guiding all of us left behind.

Our guardian Angel as each of us begin our own process of letting go and healing.

Love to you all



  1. This just completely breaks my heart for you. It is so unfair. Melissa I have never met you in person, but knew Randy and his brother Mark as kids and went to school together. You have shown so much dignity, grace, courage and bravery, strength and love throughout this unfathomable journey. God bless you. May you find joy and peace and comfort in all the good memories you have of him over the years❤️

  2. Melissa, please know how many lives Randy has touched through your kind sharing of your journey. You are an amazing lady!!
    May God bless you always πŸ™πŸ»

  3. I don't know you Melissa but I knew Randy way back when. I am so sorry for your struggles and his passing. God bless you and your family.

  4. πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ’™


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