
Every week.  New behaviors.  Med changes.  The wheel just keeps turning and turning and.....

Each day is a blend of calm, hostility, humor and confusion.

His daily disobedience lasts for a few hours.  Name calling, refusal to cooperate with hygiene and mundane daily activities.  Lots of "No's" and attempted aggression.  Thankfully, he no longer has the physical strength to be a harm to others.

While I get the push back, ugly comments and mad faces, he is able to switch gears in the blink of an eye.  On shower days, no matter his temperament before his home health aide arrives, he is instantly accommodating.

He now either sleeps the entire day and night away or he fights sleep completely.  I'm reminded of being a new mother and the advice of "sleep when they sleep".  (Impossible, BTW).  It's as if he knows I'm trying to rest and is hell bent on thwarting my plans.  

FYI, our entire history together he has never once been able to let me sleep if he was awake.  Why do I feel like some small part of him finds humor in this now?

Saturday was a sleepless night for him.  Roaming the hallway and bedrooms.  Waking his sleeping Dad with pokes and prods.  (It was my night away).  Randy was incoherent and disheveled.  Dad too, looked rough, to say the least.

However, a visit from a dear friend that afternoon, prompted smiles, hugs and he may or may not have grabbed her derrière.  (Sorry X).

My return was even greeted with him taking me into his arms to try dancing.  It was a feeble attempt but heartwarming just the same.  

Monday morning his RN visited and we discussed these behaviors.  His speech is almost gone, in regards to actual words.  He knew his name but was unaware of who I was or his birthdate.  He has to be shown how to sit in a chair.  How to get into bed.  How to drink through a straw.  His food intake has reduced dramatically and he is losing weight.  (He will however, eat ANYTHING fried or sugary)

Based on these changes and the pace at which they are occurring , his RN went over what I should expect next and we had a real conversation about life expectancy.

The short time he has left will be the toughest yet.  I pray for the blessing of Godspeed.  For our suffering to end.  For his father to find peace in losing another child.  For our children to process losing a parent. 

In the meantime, we will endure the rough moments, forgive the unkind words, embrace the dancing and eat all the junk food.



  1. May God bless you both and know that you are loved beyond infinity. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏

  2. I read your posts often. Although they make me sad they have taught me so much about the gift of life and the true strength of love.

  3. My prayers are with your entire family ♡

  4. My prayers are with you.

  5. Praying for you guys. This is heartbreaking 💔

  6. Melissa I came across your blog via social media. Randy and I were close in the 90s. His mother was declining during that period and it was so hard on him. It breaks my heart to see you are living that same, awful reality. When I'd heard that Randy was suffering the same fate I felt physically ill. I am so sorry you and your family are going through this. You are a strong, amazing woman. - Stephanie Ward, Snelling

  7. There are no words other than we love you both and keep you in our thoughts and prayers!


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