
 It’s been over a month since we’ve experienced a meltdown. Should I dare to hope that this version of Randy is the one I’ll get to keep for the duration?  My mind tells me I’m being naive but a girl can dream…

I have recently been overcome by a tremendous urgency to get Randy traveling before it’s too late.  He has been anxious to get out of the house and see family out of state.  The dilemma is not having vacation time to take him.

After much thought and panic (mother-mode), I decided to let him travel alone.  Alone being, straight, short flights.  This was a scary decision but deep down, a small part of me had faith that he could do it.

Much like allowing children to travel unaccompanied, special arrangements needed to be made.  I reached out to our tribe for assistance and, as always, they came through with flying colors.

The airlines were notified of his mental impairment, buddy passes were obtained so the King could be accompanied through security and safely boarded.  Same for the receiving family, as they needed to be at his gate when he de-planed.

Many texts and phone calls were received to ease my mind the our precious cargo was indeed, where he was supposed to be.  Except for his losing his cell phone (found and retrieved), it was a huge success!

So, last weekend, Randy got to stay in Colorado with his cousins.  We spoke a few times and he was very happy.  No issues, fits or anxiety.  He returned to me yesterday.

There were a couple of hiccups upon his arrival back to the Sacramento, as the airline got a little too involved and jacked up our perfectly planned out process.  (I may need to get my cousin some therapy for the stress, anxiety and threatened tears, both she and Randy experienced, until they were united)

Today, he takes another flight to stay with family in Arizona, returning next Sunday.  I pray for another smooth, happy trip. He is excited and so thankful.  

While nerve wracking for me, I feel this turned out to be a gift to him.  In some small way, he feels in control.  Normal, if you will.  I am so glad I did not let my fear of what he might not be able to  do, cloud the need to give him the chance to try.

I am eternally grateful to Mr and Mrs G, my Sister-Cousin, Pop, Cousins Brett and Kim and bonus-sister Nancy for their roles in allowing Randy this freedom!

I am humbly reminded that my Man-child is sometimes more Man than child, when simply given a chance.



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