
 I honestly believe one of the cruelest parts of this horrible disease is change.  

Change robs what once was and what could have been.

I was once a wife and partner.  I am slowly evolving into a caregiver and surrogate mother.

Change has taken 16 years of unending love for one man and morphed that love into an entirely different type.  Still unending but different.  Still to the end but.. so vastly different.

Change has taken plans of retirement and growing old and exchanged them for here and now because my retirement and aging will not include him.

Change has brought loneliness into a world where my partner still resides.  My brain battles my heart over what feels like involuntary betrayal vs survival.

However, Change has shown mercy and spared him the knowledge of our metamorphosis.  He is happy and for him, all remains the same.   I am his safe place.  I am his person.  Whether he calls me Baby Doll, Mom or even sometimes, Dad, I am his comfort and normalcy.  For this I am grateful.

While I struggle with our reality, he remains oblivious and blissful.  I promised him happiness and smiles.  I promised this until his last breath.

Change may ravage what we had, change cannot erase the promise.  

Smile on my sweet man…I am here.



  1. I have no words to describe the feelings I have right now. You are unbelievable. I hate to think what Randy would be doing without you. You are so courageous. I hope your sharing helps at least a little. I don’t know why but I didn’t see any of your other posts…..just the first one. I do pray he never hurts you physically. Thinking of you……..❤️😢💔

  2. You remember me and Charlotte with my Mom going through this. I want to say this to prepare you not to scare you. When it gets very bad and unfortunately it will. He keep really repeated maybe forget how to walk it can go off and on. You will not get sleep at all for months on end. You will loose your temper, patience. But you will grow another deeper love for him too. I don't how to explain it
    My Mom was my Mama. But last year of her life I was her Mama. I still can't talk about it. The world won't wait for you while your life is on hold for him. I don't know how to say what it's will be like except love will keep you going❤


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