
 Spent the majority of the last week at home.  I try to keep his schedule busy with activities and our weekends are usually packed.  Last weekend, however, was a much needed relaxing couple of days, at home.

He was happy-manic during this period.  It’s great and exhausting!  Still sleeping a lot but, man o man, when he’s awake… BUCKLE UP!

On work days, he sleeps till noon and then he’s ready.  Ready to swim, ready to fold an entire load of laundry  (leaving a few items in EVERY SINGLE ROOM of the house).  Ready to start 10 projects and not finish one.  Ready to talk to random FB profile pics, for hours on end, convinced those people are in our home. Etc, etc…

By the time I arrive home, he is ready to enthrall me with the happenings of his day.  His excitement is barely controlled.

This is where things have the potential to turn grave.  He is more confused than ever and every sentence is 80% cryptic.  We spend most of our time trying to decipher what he is trying to tell us.  If we can’t… we lie.

Yes, You read that right, we lie.  Look, he’s home and happy.  He is excited to share his version of his day.  Why tell the truth and ruin all of that joy when a simple lie keeps the peace?  If he’s happy, we are all happy!

Saturday and Sunday we slept in, swam, napped, watched movies, made some wonderful dinners and genuinely enjoyed each other’s company.

He called me Dad several times and Mom once.  Every time I got up to go do some random thing, he would ask “where are you going?” as if he was afraid I was leaving.  He would lay beside me, holding my hand while he again chatted with FB pics.  We had to find his glasses over and over and over.  His phone a few times.  I answered the same questions repeatedly.  I rubbed his head when he got one of his many headaches.

After all of that, I still say this was a relaxing weekend.  This is our norm.  This is our life.  This is how we keep calm at home.



  1. Love seeing into your lives. I agree no reason not to lie

  2. I love having a peek into your lives. I am sorry you are going through the dram but getting a chance to see your love and devotion to Randy is so awe inspiring. Hang in there, Missy, you have the biggest heart I know of. You got this !!


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