Let me go

 I hear this a lot.

When his frustration takes over and he knows he’s failing, he asks me to let him go.  It breaks me every time.

We are 3 years into this journey.  He is amazingly healthy and vibrant.  We literally have years left.  I suspect he is late stage 5, early stage 6.  (Their are 7 stages).  

He’s a giant goofball.  Anyone who knows him knows he always has a smile on his face.  He is kind and loving.  He loves being around people and laughing.  He’s a wonderful human♥️

Last night however…”let me go”


Because he wants a new iPhone, right now!  Because I didn’t trim the Oleander that grows over the fence.  Because I paid attention to someone other than him.  Today, these are earth shattering issues to him so today, he wants to die.  He wants me to “stay away from him”.  He wants to sleep in the spare room tonight… maybe forever, who knows.

How do I navigate through these dark periods when my husband has become a pouty adolescent?  (Because let’s be honest here.  Alzheimer’s makes our LO’s revert back to adolescents.  Sometimes you feel like you are raising children all over again.)

Humor.  After I feel sorry for myself and then get angry.  Humor.  Again for the people in the back…  HUMOR!

So, how do you get an adolescent boy to smile?  C’mon.. you know the answer.


Yup!  I may or may not have casually walked through the room with one of the girls exposed.  (Sorry to my children who may be reading this)

 Now, let me tell you, it was hard to do.  I was mad.  Mad because he was being mean to me.  Mad because I was the victim of his bad mood.  Mad because I had to cave!  That one stung a little.

Then, mad at myself because I made this about me.  My husband is suffering a terminal disease and I made this about me.  Rookie move.  

So… he got to see a boob.  It was like magic!  

Him - “Can I see one again?”

Me - “do you like me again?”

Him - “if I get to see one again!”

**smiles and giggles like a boy**

So, no, my love, I will not “just let you go”.  I’m not quite ready for you to leave me❤️



  1. Magic, aren’t they! Haha. You are good at lateral thinking, an indispensable skill!

  2. You have the boobie effect on him. That's a good thing. Wishing you the best always!

  3. Omg this one put tears in my eyes! Please print these and save them as hard copy journal too. I love this. 💕


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