
Today went from awesome to awful in a snap. How our evening goes is still pending.

We had a good morning.  We slept in, drank coffee in bed, relaxed a bit.  Nette brought him muffins and jam in bed.  He was happy.

Nette and I had hair appointments at 10 so his buddy,  Bryan,  came to hang out, Starbucks in hand.  They swam, played bball in the pool and visited with the neighbors, via the friendship bar we have built in our back fence.  He was happy.

It was nice to have a relaxing girl hair day but, inevitably, my anxiety started to creep in.  Checked on the boys, all was well.  Randy requested tacos for lunch so, tacos he got.  He was happy.

Lunch was nice.  We chatted, ate, laughed.  Still a good day.  I changed into swimwear and headed out back to have a cocktail with our neighbors.  Nette went to nap and Bryan went home.  I thought he was happy. 

Then, instantly, things took a turn.  He was not happy.

He demanded I take him to a friend’s house.  RIGHT NOW!  Stormed back into the house.  He was furious.  I called said friend, who was not home.  Went inside to inform him and discovered he was gone.  (My guy is quite fond of disappearing when he doesn’t get what he wants).  He was not happy.

So, I jump in the car sopping wet and begin my search.  He was already almost a mile from home.  97 degrees out, no water, no phone, determined to walk the 6 miles to his destination.  Refuses to get in the car.  Here we go with the “F*** You” and the “you NEVER give me what I want!”  Needles to say, he was sooooo not happy!

Finally got him to get into the car.  Take him home, where he proceeds to lock himself in our bedroom.  

WTF just happened???  Things were going so well then… BAM!!! His train derailed.  Fortunately, the casualties were minimal and I was a big girl about it.  Stayed calm, no tears!  ( look at me handling this s***!) 

Now, he sleeps. 5PM and he is out.  I sit here, by his side, rubbing his head and writing.  Will he be better when he wakes?  Who knows.  It’s anybody’s guess really.

My plan?  Use what you have in your Arsenal.  I am armed with the magic boobies, Jeanette’s chocolate chip cookies and her homemade cinnamon rolls.

I think he’ll be happy.



  1. You dance with lightening strikes, my friend. Keep on ❤️

  2. Hang in there girl !! Enjoy the good times and endure the bad ! If you need to hide in the closet and drink wine, DO IT!!!!

  3. I am amazed at your strength, you are awesome.


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