This disease is cruel. Cruel like I have never experienced. Randy is my second husband. My first was a classic narcissist who deceived me at every turn and skillfully made me believe it was my fault. He lied and he cheated and for a time, he broke me. He was cruel to me, I now know, because he was a coward. Alzheimer’s is a worse kind of cruel. Randy came into our lives 16 1/2 years ago. This kind, gently, funny man. He gave my children the chance to see how a man should love their mother. He gave me the chance to see my children get unconditional love from a father. He gave our granddaughters a Papa. The cruelty of Alzheimer’s, while slowly erasing, is robbing us of his gifts. His demeanor has been changing and altered this past week. The weekend was truly one of the worst….ever. Fits every single time he doesn’t get what he wants or his way. Rage is his emotion and it’s frightening. My mind knows it’s the disease. My he...