Pills, Pizza and Pee
**lengthy blog My mother aptly chose the topic and title for this one. Disclaimer..she is also responsible for my ability to find humor in the oddest of places. For some unknown reason, Randy fights Mom when she tries to administer his medication. Whether it be verbal refusal or locking his jaw and pursing his lips, he usually renders her defeated. He has recently become unable to swallow his pills, requiring them to be crushed and mixed into liquids. Even in this form, he makes her work for success. Last night, as I was out for a bit, Mom was on med duty. After 4 attempts to ensure the entire liquid dosage was taken, she gave up, figuring he'd ingested "just enough". He was manageable and agreeable. Shortly thereafter, and much to Randy's delight, a pizza delivery arrived. Our roomie accepted the delivery after confirming with the delivery driver, that I had ordered it. I had not. He had not. Texts and phone calls later, it ...