Our new mantra Everything is fine and stay calm. After our last episode, we are paying careful attention to the warning signs of the impending explosion. His body language changes. His face literally becomes a mask of white. We are learning to identify it before it’s too late. Stay calm.. I had the opportunity to enjoy a weekend to myself last weekend as Randy went out of town with the boys. He enjoyed the Dodgers game on Friday and the Pre-Season Rams vs Raiders game on Saturday. Got a frantic call from his buddy when they were only 8 hours into the trip. “Is there a safe word because I don’t have the magic boobies!!!” After my laughter subsided, I simply told him, “stay calm”. Alzheimer’s patients, much like children, feed off of your energy. I’ve raised 2 children yet, this was a tough realization to come to with my husband. Stay calm. The rest of his weekend went smoothly and he was so excited to share all his experiences with m...