Rainbows and Angels
83 days without him. I'm beginning to travel again. Traveling to places he loved. Places he always wanted to go. The guilt has lessened as I purposefully take a moment to picture his face in my mind and silently ask him if he is pleased with my new path. And, to thank him for taking such good care of me, affording me the ability to live this life. I spent a week in North Carolina with my Daughter, Son-in-Love and two glorious granddaughters (6 and 3/12). Randy's last visit was over 2 years ago and he was on cloud 9 with his girls. Thankfully we were able to FaceTime during the final 24 months of his life. Because of this, his girls knew him.. remember him. In the final moments of Randy's passing, we were experiencing a rainstorm. As he released his last breath, the rain subsided and the most extraordinary double rainbow appeared over our home. His message that he was ok. (FYI...the day we wed it was raining and as we arrived at the ...